1. Exercise. Get up 30-60 minutes earlier so you can get this in. Do it before company arrives. This will help you "get fully grounded" in your body and geared up for the day! Plus, it's a chance to offer up gratitude before the busy-ness sets in.
2. Eat Breakfast. "Saving Yourself" for your Thanksgiving Meal not only slows your metabolism but also leads to over-eating. So eat a healthy breakfast...and keep that digestive fire stoked all day!
3. Eat Strategically! Start with protein and veggies. Lastly, eat the starchy, bread-y carbs. You will feel more satiated eating protein and fiber filled veggies first which will cut down your intake of the starchy stuff.
4. Balance Your Plate. 1/2 of your plate should be green -- salad, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, roasted veggies, asparagus, etc. 1/4 of it should be protein such as turkey, chicken or fish. The other 1/4 of it can be a starchy carb like mashed potatoes, stuffing, or bread. This should be your rule of thumb always, not just Thanksgiving!
5. Try Sample Sizes, not Servings. If it all looks SOOOO good, great! Try a little of everything. Dollops vs. full serving sizes! If it's THAT good, go back to get more later.
6. CHALLENGE: Try to be the LAST one to Finish Your Meal. The best way I know how to eat slow is to CHEW-CHEW-CHEW your food. Our first inclination is to hurry up and eat, so we can go get more. This inevitably leaves us feeling miserably full and bloated. So GO S-L-O-W. If you want more later, go back for more. But don't stuff yourself to the point of miserableness.
7. We DON'T GAIN weight overnight. So you overdid it. EH....No big deal. Our bodies work over a bigger span of time than a day by day basis so if you know you overate at a holiday meal, try to be more active that day, eat healthier the next day and don't worry!
8. Whether your family is hosting Thanksgiving dinner or bringing a few dishes to share, make your recipes healthier with less fat, sugar, and calories.
- Use fat-free chicken broth to baste the turkey and make gravy.
- Use sugar substitutes in place of sugar and/or fruit purees instead of oil in baked goods.
- Reduce oil and butter wherever you can.
- Try plain yogurt or fat-free sour cream in creamy dips, mashed potatoes, and casseroles.
9. Drink Water throughout the Day. Wine, water, wine. OK, not realistic. Water, wine, wine, water, wine? :)
10. See the Good. This is for those fun, uh-hum, family dynamics! Of course you can see where your relatives fall short, annoy you, or come from a totally different planet. Your task is to SEE THE GOOD in them. EVERYONE has some good. Find it!
p.s. Your stomach is the size of your hands cupped together. I'm just saying..
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