Monday, January 17, 2011

Foods Items in Your Servery: MADE FROM SCRATCH!

Every holiday it is hard not to overindulge in many of your favorite holiday treats, that sometimes are high on the salt, sugar, and fat.  But hey, that's what is the best about holidays right?! Well besides the presents and oh yeah the MEANING behind the holiday.

Come January many people are trying to eat healthier to give their bodies the necessary nutrients that they deprived themselves of in the months earlier.  Here at Rice, our serveries make it an easy task to do this.  Yes, there are still temptations and not EVERYTHING in the servery is healthy.  Hey, everyone needs a cookie sometimes! But by having knowledgeable Chefs, like Chef Roger in West servery, they do all that they can to provide you with healthy, balanced food items at EVERY MEAL!  Chef Roger even makes many of his West servery items FROM SCRATCH!  Watch the following video to see what items he makes that are fresh and healthy, everyday!


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