Monday, December 13, 2010

Tacos-Cheap, Easy, and FAST!

So you would think with my profession that I absolutely love going to the grocery store.  But after a long day at work, a 65 lb puppy that needs attention, and frankly pure laziness on my part...I dread it and want to fly through there as quickly as possible.  Although I think that through this dread and impatience has come a good outlet of knowledge.  Having done my research, I now feel confident that my speedy trip's outcome will not do a disservice to my healthy diet.  I would like to share some short-cuts on how to have a great tasting and HEALTHY taco night! 

Cheap and Easy Tacos

1/2 pre-roasted turkey or chicken (I like Jennie-O brand, and remove the skin!)
1 package Whole Wheat Tortillas (I like the low-carb brands, they seem to have a higher protein and fiber content)
1 Green pepper
1 Onion
1 Tomato
1 bushel Fresh Cilantro
1 Avocado
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Hot sauce

Grill onions and green peppers in a well-greased frying pan (olive oil spray is a healthy choice to cook with.)  Warm tortillas in microwave for 10 secs.  Slice fresh tomato and avocado.  Chop fresh cilantro pieces.  Remove skin from roasted chicken.  Pull of about 3 oz of meat (size of deck of cards) portions for each taco.  Add grilled vegetables, fresh tomato, avocado, sprinkle cheese, and cilantro.  Add hot sauce for some spice.

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