Friday, November 19, 2010

Easy Cooking with Coconut Milk

So it is always an adventure trying to find something to cook with when you haven't been grocery shopping in sparks, let's call it creativity?!  Stocking your pantry with canned items and stocking your freezer with frozen fruits and veggies can lend you a healthy back-up meal when your time is tight.

I think a great thing to stock in your pantry is LITE coconut milk.  It contains 50 calories and 4.5g of fat per 1/3 can.  It can make a great stir fry.  Below is a recipe that I threw together last night.

Curry Coconut Vegetable and Chicken

6 oz thawed frozen chicken breast
1 can lite coconut milk
2 tbs red or green curry paste (can be found in the international section at grocery stores)
4 cups chopped or frozen veggies.  I used frozen brocolli and peas.  A fresh red pepper, jalapeno pepper, one beet, and 1 cup fresh kale.
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
Red pepper, pepper, garlic powder to spice

1 cup rice 

Bring coconut oil to boil in a saucepan.  Add curry paste and mix until blended.  Add chicken and frozen vegetables.  Let cook until chicken and frozen vegetables are almost cooked.  Add fresh vegetables to pan and spices, cover and let cook 10 mins.  Serve over rice and garnish with fresh cilantro.

Makes 2-3 servings--depending on your appetite!

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