Monday, October 25, 2010

Ready.. Set.. Breakfast!

Photo courtesy of
The other day, my friends I were discussing our favorite meal of the day.. Breakfast! We went around the room discussing what we typically had for breakfast. We all had something different to say.. ranging from a trusty bowl of honey nut cheerios to last night's leftovers to not having enough time for breakfast.

So, why breakfast? It is easily the most overlooked meal of the day. I'm the Queen of Busy, so when I think of breakfast, I need something that is going to be easily edible on the go. In fact, the more portable, the more likely I am to eat the item. The reported benefits of eating breakfast make a strong case for this often neglected meal. Positive benefits include: increased energy levels, decreased disease risk, and bigger memory capability. When it comes to that first morning meal, the reasons to fuel your body are virtually endless. 

Below is a short compilation of why eating breakfast is so important.
  • High Energy. A healthy breakfast provides you with enough nutrients to energize your body for hours.
  • Smart Eating. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast consume more vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and less fat and cholesterol leading to an overall healthier nutrient consumption.
  • Calorie Reduction. People who don’t eat breakfast are likely to eat more calories throughout the day than people who skip lunch, according to the Nemours Foundation’s Center for Children’s Health and Media.
  • Decreased Diabetes Risk. People who eat breakfast are significantly less likely to be diabetic than those who usually don’t, according to the American Heart Association.
  • Weight Control. A study by the National Weight Control Registry shows that eating breakfast actually helps keep people’s weight down.
  • Full Focus. According to the American Dietetic Association, people who eat breakfast are better able to concentrate and be more productive throughout the morning.
  • Making Memories. According to experts, eating breakfast improves memory and learning. In one study, college students who ate a morning meal scored 22 percent higher in a word-recall test than those who skipped breakfast (Perfect for those annoying vocab quizzes!) 
  • Urge to Exercise. Researchers believe that people who eat breakfast have higher energy levels and may engage in more physical activity than people who don’t because of this increased energy level. 
  • Happy Days. Skipping breakfast can make you feel tired, irritable, or sad. Even grabbing some fresh fruit or a bowl of cereal can help boost your mood.
  • Stress Be Gone. The time you spend eating breakfast can be relaxing and help you to mentally prepare for the day. Eating breakfast also forces you to slow down, helping you to prioritize.

As if those 10 items weren't convincing enough to slow down for breakfast.. here are some lesser known Fun Breakfast Fact.
  • Astronauts from Apollo 11 boosted their brain power while in space with a cereal breakfast. The cereal was mixed with fruit and pressed into cubes since the lack of gravity kept the astronauts from pouring it into a bowl with milk.
  • Cereal was invented when colonial housewives started serving up popcorn with sugar and cream for breakfast (Yummy!)
  • There are 2.7 billion packages of cereal sold every year – that’s enough boxes to wrap around the Earth thirteen times.

So if you're constantly on the go go go, remember to fuel your tank and eat a solid breakfast. The important thing to remember is that a solid breakfast does not necessarily mean a heavy breakfast. Below are some basics of a healthy breakfast.

  • Whole grains. Options include whole-grain rolls, bagels, hot or cold whole-grain cereals, low-fat bran muffins, crackers, or melba toast.
  • Low-fat protein. Options include hard-boiled eggs, peanut butter, lean slices of meat.
  • Low-fat dairy. Options include skim milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheeses, such as cottage and natural cheeses.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Options include fresh fruits and vegetables or 100 percent juice beverages without added sugar.
Together, these core groups provide complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein and a small amount of fat — a combination that packs big health benefits and that also can leave you feeling full for hours. Try to choose one or two options from each category to round out a healthy breakfast!

Stay tuned for an update about in the OC Living: Family Dinner.. Breakfast for Dinner! 

Friday, October 22, 2010

The 3S's in YOUR servery with Chef Roger

VRice's long time and infamous Chef, Chef Roger, discusses with us the three S's he sets out to eliminate when cooking your meals in the servery.  This is the first installment of many clips where Chef Roger gives you an insight into your servery.  He is going to show you how he is cooking your food and what changes he is implementing to give students the most nutritious meals.  Stay tuned for more!

OC Living: Family Dinner Style

So, over at the Slanty Shanty, we have decided to make every night before the start of the  new school week (typically Sunday nights) Family Dinner night. Because of Fall Break, we actually had our past Family Dinner on Tuesday night. We invited some friends over, fired up the oven, and cooked up a delicious family dinner.

There wasn’t a particular theme to the night, although in the future we’ve decided to have one.. This particular night was all about making something quick, easy, and plenty of it. We started the night off with a fiery salsa, moved onto vegetable quesadillas, Lentil soup, steamed cauliflower and finished the night with crumb cake and a homemade apple pie! Below are some photos from our family dining event. I have featured 3 of the items because I have a sneaking suspicion that the apple pie will be featured in future meals (delicious and low on sugar and super easy to make) so look for it in another OC Living: Family Dinner post in the future! 
What a happy family!
Delicious Lentil Soup
What was left of the cauliflower concoction
Apple Pie Delight!


  • About a pint of cherry tomatoes
  • 14 oz. can of reduced sodium/unseasoned black beans
  • One bunch of cilantro
  • Two jalapeno peppers
  • Four green onions
  • Juice of two limes
  • Salt to taste
Cooking Instructions:
  1. Open, drain, and rinse can of black beans. Repeat rinsing process two or three times.  
  2. Pour beans into a large mixing bowl.  
  3. Chop cherry tomatoes into fourths or halves, depending on preference, and add into bowl.  
  4. Rinse the bunch of cilantro and chop off the leafy top portion. Dice very well. Add to mixture.  
  5. Wash and slice green onions finely. Add to mixture.  
  6. De-seed and remove ribs from jalapenos. Dice finely and add to mixture.  
  7. Add the juice of two limes.  
  8. Combine ingredients until mixed.  
  9. Add salt to taste. 
  10. Serve with low salt tortilla chips and enjoy!

  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil
  • basil
Cooking Instructions:
  1. Wash cauliflower thoroughly
  2. Place in pan and brush lightly with olive oil 
  3. Season to taste; approximately 1 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of pepper
  4. Broil in oven for about 20 minutes
  5. Top with basil and enjoy
Top Secret Lentil Soup
(I had to pull some strings to get this recipe.. enjoy!)
  • 1 lb lentils
  • 1 large yellow onion
  • A little olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Small handful of parsley
  • 1 TBS smoked paprika
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • 3 eggs
Cooking Instructions:
  1. Boil water add onion and cook for 5 minutes
  2. Add all other ingredients
  3. Cook until lentils are finished (lentils will be tender)
  4. Beat 3 eggs and add while stirring. Add chorizo halfway through and cook until tender. 
Stay tuned for our next adventures in cooking over at the Slanty Shanty! And as always, if you have any questions at all about the recipes, please let me know! 

Friday, October 15, 2010


Looking for something fun and active to do on the weekends that is unique to Texas?  I would suggest taking a trip out to Brazos Bend State Park which is approximately 40 minutes southwest of campus.  There are miles of hiking trails that you can bike or walk.  There is also fishing, camping, and alligators!  It is a cool and different hiking experience to see these animals wild and up close.  It is only 5 bucks to get into the park too!  Please visit the parks website at for directions and more information.